We’ve begun our study of the Sermon on the Mount. The next series of posts will all be from Jesus’ teaching that day on the mountainside. There is so much to unpack here, so we’ll take little chunks. It’s easier to digest that way! This is similar to how I tackle a problem or a huge undertaking. One little piece at a time. Imagine eating a whole elephant… you do it one bite at a time.
Today, we’ll focus on our faith life and how we relate to God and others. Jesus uses the metaphors of salt and light. Neither exists for themselves but to serve others. We know salt to be a seasoning for food to give it more taste, but it is also a preservative. Salt must penetrate that which it is to preserve. If we are like salt, what is our job exactly?
Jesus says salt must not lose its flavor or it is worthless. We, too, need to stay fresh and involved with our community. How we maintain our freshness includes our Bible reading, prayer time, and spending time with God and other believers. If we are penetrating society, we are getting involved, we are listening, we are being proactive and providing solutions. These solutions point to God as the master healer and encourager.
Similarly, we are light. Light penetrates into the darkness. We know that people who are not yet connected to their Creator and Savior are in darkness. It is up to us then to shine our light into their lives. If we share with them how our lives have been transformed, they are more likely to seek a transformed life.
Jesus cautions us here to not hide that light. We shouldn’t be keeping our glow to ourselves. We’re not meant to keep our good deeds (our light) within the comfort of our homes and churches. We need to be visible and shining brightly for all to see. In all we say and do, we must be doing so to glorify God. When people see our good works, we want them to know it is from God and for God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
How are you doing at shining your light and staying fresh and alive? Did you feel energized by Jesus’ words today? How are you going to do a better job at serving others?
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you that you have called me into service. I pray that, like salt, I can use my words and actions to penetrate the hearts of those who don’t know you. May you be shining brightly through me in my encounters with others. I want there to be no question that I am shining with your light and reflecting your character in all I say and do.