Exodus 10:1-29 – Never Again

Read Exodus 10:1-29

Have you ever said to someone, “I never want to see you again!” That usually comes from a place of anger, desperation, or frustration. Pharaoh was clearly put out with Moses and Aaron. He must have figured that if he didn’t see them again the destruction of his land would end. That is only true in that the land would not be touched again. We hear that it was already destroyed, so there was nothing left to ruin.

But God wasn’t done. We’ll have to wait and see what is coming next. But for today, we have two more plagues of destruction. God sent more pests. Locusts this time would devour all signs of life on the vegetation of the land. It must have looked like a warzone with leafless trees and no vegetation providing color or life. And then came the darkness. Like no darkness we have ever seen, other than perhaps in the middle of a forest with no city lights to brighten the horizon.

We have seen time and again how Pharaoh was having a hard time. Now, even his officials were putting their feet down and encouraging him to just give in. Pharaoh’s ego must have really gotten the best of him. I’m sure we’ve seen similar behavior in people we have known. An ego can be helpful, but it can also be destructive when it keeps us from truly relying on God’s power.

God was building toward some climax it would seem. Just as we see Pharaoh teetering on the brink of letting God’s people have their way, the other shoe drops (so to speak). I would think by now God has done a magnificent job of setting the stage for the future. Yet, he continues the pattern and Pharaoh’s heart hardens once again.

What is it going to take? Does Moses have any more “tricks” up his sleeve? It comes down to trust. Pharaoh isn’t trusting Moses or God. He is only trusting himself and his own power. God is taking advantage here. How are you feeling empowered these days?

Let’s pray. Lord, I understand that you were using this situation and Moses stayed committed to you and your mission for him. I hope that I have the same strength and resilience to follow through with your plan for my life. You have gifted us each with different gifts. Help us all to be looking for ways to use our gifts to help mankind. May the words of my mouth and all my actions each day be pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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