Today’s reading covers three more of the plague stories. Rather than read each separately, at this point it seems we understand what’s happening. God wants some attention. He also wants his people to be free from bondage. Moses and Aaron are the messengers he is empowering for the job. Pharaoh is the one he is toying with to keep the story going.
When you think of what has transpired so far, we have the water turning to blood, frogs, gnats, and flies. Today we have the plague affecting livestock, boils, and hail. This is all pretty nasty stuff. Thankfully, he is sparing his people in Goshen. And, Pharaoh’s magicians are not able to keep up with God anymore.
What do you think is going through the minds of the Israelites? We haven’t heard from them in a while. They have to see that they are not being harmed, but God is raining down all sorts of unlovely things on their oppressors. Are they starting to warm up to Moses? Are they beginning to see that maybe they are going to be rescued?
Pharaoh is certainly being blinded by God. We hear again why. God wants them to see his power so that his fame will spread throughout the land. I’m quite certain that the Egyptians are surely talking about this. Pharaoh seems on the verge of giving in, and then his heart hardens again. It’s becoming a predictable cycle. Some of Pharaoh’s officials are afraid. It’s not clear to me the span of time that may be covered. Was it over a period of a couple days, weeks, or months?
What do you suppose is going through Moses’ and Aaron’s heads? Where are they staying throughout this whole process? Do they still have relatives that are alive? Here, I am getting caught up in the details. What’s important is that Moses and Aaron are faithful. They are listening to God and doing what he says. God is using these circumstances to make a point. He is creating a memory, a memory that is still remembered today.
When we understand the power of God ourselves, we should be in awe. We should not fear or have worry over the small stuff. God is faithful. He wants our attention and our obedience. That doesn’t seem like it should be that hard. Whether we are going through a trial in our life now, or in the past, the same God who wanted to be known still yearns for our attention. I don’t think he’ll need to send plagues, but he might be sending something that will cause a wake up call among his people.
It’s our job to be faithful in return. It is our job to be grateful for God’s love and provision. It is our job to be obedient and not keep the good news of God’s love and redemption to ourselves.
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for what you are doing in my life. May I proclaim your goodness to the world. Use me to help further your kingdom. May I hear your voice clearly. Thank you for the people you have brought into my path. Show me how I can be a blessing to them. I want people to see you in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.