Yet again, Jesus is setting an example for us. We may have heard Jesus referred to as the suffering servant. This is one example we have of Jesus taking on the role of a servant to demonstrate for his disciples something they should learn and do.
It was done in silence. Jesus rose from the table and moved from disciple to disciple. Leave it to Peter to break the silence with his question. Peter didn’t understand the significance of what Jesus was showing them. Good leaders become great when they can master the art of servanthood. Jesus needed to use this as a teachable moment they would understand and remember.
Foot washing is not a regular ritual that I’m aware of, but there are times it is done in conjunction with worship and obedience. However, the act is representative of being a servant to others. That’s the point Jesus is trying to get across. If we can serve others, it makes it easier to serve God. That was Jesus’ ultimate goal here, not just to get the disciples to be nice to each other.
How are you going to serve today?
For me personally, I’ll be helping with our children’s ministry to the Mexican children near our church. They are learning Bible stories both in English and in Spanish. That stretches me to be able to help them in Spanish as I am just learning. I am able to serve others and at the same time, they serve me right back. It’s a beautiful thing.
Have you ever had your feet washed by another? I’m not counting the pampering I get at a pedicure appointment. But as an act of servanthood and cleansing? It’s powerful. Jesus said, “Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.” Having God’s blessing should be a good incentive.
Here’s a great song to help us in following Jesus’ example. Listen to I WILL FOLLOW here.
Let’s pray. Lord, give me your eyes so that I can see the needs around me. May you spark in my servant’s heart a deep desire to help those you want me to help. I will follow where you lead me. Help me not judge others for their lack of servanthood but encourage them. May I hear your voice clearly and know your will for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen