John 12:20-36 – Jesus Invites Us

Read John 12:20-36

Jesus invites us,  “anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me.” We want to be where Jesus is. We get a bonus, too, honor from God the Father. Who would not want that? 

Jesus’ words are a bit confusing to the people because they don’t understand the true meaning of why Jesus came. If he is truly the Messiah, he should be using his power to conquer and save the people from their oppression. Little do they realize that is exactly what Jesus does. It’s just on a much deeper, permanent level. It is also for the whole world, then and now.

In business, we are being taught to invite people into our marketplace. We are to provide them with benefits and solutions. When we do this well, our business thrives. When we invite people to have a relationship with Jesus, we should use the same methods. We should never be trying to “sell” anyone on the saving grace Jesus gives. Instead, we need to help them picture their life with and without this beautiful gift. The benefits of being a follower of Jesus are so plentiful. That’s what we need to focus on when sharing our faith. That and our own story.

When we are able to be authentic with people and let them in, what are they going to see? Are they going to see a follower of Christ who is wishy-washy or one who is firmly devoted? They certainly won’t see a trouble-free, peachy-keen life. But they will hopefully see someone who is at peace, confident that we are never alone in the midst of our trials and circumstances. (Romans 8:39)

Maybe you have questions like the crowds. They didn’t understand why the son of man was to die when the Messiah was supposed to live forever. The idea of eternal life can be a tricky one. Jesus doesn’t directly answer their questions, but he says this, My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. 36 Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light.”

We’ve read earlier in John that Jesus declared he was the light of the world. We know that by living in his light, following his example, we too are children of the light. We need to be careful of the darkness. Satan is real. He lurks in wait for us to fall, to have a weak moment, to take our eyes off Jesus. Godly people are not immune to Satan. In fact, he works even harder to get us distracted. Merely knowing that we are Satan’s prey helps us be alert and able to arm ourselves with the truth.

When we invite others, we need to be ready to help nurture them. We can set an example for them by how we live our lives. Jesus did this for his disciples. He also continually fed them with examples to help them understand. We have those same examples in God’s word we can rely on and share.

Take some time today to reflect on Jesus’ words.

Let’s pray. Lord, you challenge us every day with your truth. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you are trying to reveal to me. Help me to just sit quietly and listen for your voice. Thank you for all of the ideas and creativity you have given me. I love that I am able to share my gifts with others. Continue to speak through me and use me for your kingdom work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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