John 12:12-19 – Cheers Today!

Read John 12:12-19

Well, the religious leaders got their answer. A couple of readings ago they were wondering if Jesus would dare come to Jerusalem for the Passover. There were people assigned to be on the lookout for him, ready to give intel of his arrival to the religious leaders. Now he was here. He didn’t slip in quietly, did he?

A prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus rode into town on the donkey’s colt he just happened to find. It was no mistake. God can make things happen for us, too. Sometimes he is sending provision and we aren’t looking or watching. I hate wasted opportunities to be in God’s presence, enjoying what he is providing. Keep your eyes open and be alert for God working around you.

The people were excited to see Jesus. News of Lazarus’ return from the dead had created quite a stir. Jesus was like a celebrity, you might say, being swarmed by his fans. It’s not every day that a man can make miracles happen. Jesus’ ministry was not a secret, nor was it a made-up concoction. Jesus was real. His message was the same. Salvation.

“Hail to the King of Israel!” Those words must have just made the religious leaders squirm. Surely the Roman government would have something to say about that. Jesus “comes in the name of the Lord.” The people got that right, too. What was motivating the people here? Curiosity to see for themselves, peer pressure to conform. No matter, there was a lot of cheering going on.

I have often imagined what it would be like to have Jesus come to our town. There are lots of parades here with magnificent and colorful garments, dazzling performances, and don’t forget the music. Mexico is such a place of celebration. If Jesus came on a donkey, there would be fanfare, too. We all await his return. But it isn’t his time yet.

As we wait for Jesus’ return, we need to be getting ready. Are we prepared to open our hearts completely? Are we willing to set aside our agendas and listen for God’s direction? Do we recognize Jesus as our Savior and the only way to God the Father?

Take some time today to imagine Jesus coming to your town. What would the celebration look like?

Let’s pray. Lord, we await your return and want to be ready. People for centuries have hoped they would live to see you descending from the heavens (or however you will come). There was such joy and expectation that day in Jerusalem. Yet you knew what was to come. Thank you for all that you sacrificed for me. May I live my life in reverent awe of you. Use me and my words, my music, and my life. May I be an honorable reflection of you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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