Have you ever had to settle? By that, I mean that you accept something that might not have been the best solution? You selected it because it was simpler. At some point, you begin to wonder why you went that direction. So many people are ready to take the easy way out. People these days want immediate results.
Today Jacob finally gives in. You can tell it is a decision that pains him more than life itself. The fear of his sons over the fact their money was returned has caused them to go over the top in making sure “the man” is happy. Jacob does not want anything to jeopardize Benjamin’s safety.
The key here is Jacob’s statement, “may the God almighty give you mercy.” That is indeed the best course of action. When we face any type of challenge or opposition, we need to call on God to show his mercy.
Imagine how Jacob feels at this moment. Most of his sons came back from their quest for food, but it is now running out again. He is reminded that they need to take Benjamin the next time. Again denial sets in and anger as to why the sons gave “the man” so much information. Have you ever shared too much information and later regretted it? How were the boys to know?
Sometimes we face situations we have no control over. We’ve talked about that before. I know from experience that the sooner you can let go and declare “I can’t change it” you will be freed from your anxious feelings. It’s like a healing has taken over. I don’t know how it happens, I just know that it has.
Think about a situation that you are dreading. Imagine that you are past it. The sooner you can adopt the “so be it” or “I can’t change it” mantra, you will notice a freedom that’s hard to explain. Jacob decided it was time for him to give in to his fear and trust God to bring his sons, and more supplies, back safely. What are you needing to let go so God can take care of it?
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for working in my life. You have given me a sense of peace, and I am so thankful. Help me to accept the things in my life I cannot change. May I trust you more and more each day as you help me with my struggles. Use me to help others to see this truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.