One minute a slave to a prison jailer as an inmate, the next, second only to Pharaoh himself! I’m sure Joseph felt like he was in a dream and needed to pinch himself to be sure it was real. How could it be? It was God’s perfect timing. All those years of faithfulness had brought Joseph to this moment.
Again, let’s put ourselves in Joseph’s shoes. He has had quite a journey in his life so far. They say he was 30 years old when today’s story takes place and he is given such responsibility. Leading him to this moment, he had been his father’s favorite son, and then abruptly sold into slavery at the approximate age of 17. For the next 13 years, he served Potiphar as a slave. You’ll recall he had lots of perks until Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him and then framed him for seducing her when Joseph refused her advances. Such a consequence for doing the right thing! The remaining years were spent in prison. Yet God was with him through it all, preparing him for this triumphant moment.
How is God preparing you for your next mission? You may be on the verge of a new adventure and not even know it. When it’s God’s timing, it’s perfect. Maybe you’ve been waiting for a new job or a new opportunity to serve. Maybe you are just happily going through the motions of life. For those who are faithful to God, we can be sure he is always looking for opportunities to bless us.
Are there areas of your life you wish were different? Are you frustrated by a circumstance that is holding you back in some way? We all experience times in our life that are less than perfect. Our struggles are real. Think of the big picture. We are but a small speck in terms of the universe, yet our hard situations often seem gigantic. The key is to remember how big God is. If he is on your side (which he is) who can stand against?
When the going gets tough, like it was for Joseph, stay faithful. When we trust in God’s unfailing love, no matter what, the peaks and valleys of our life take on a different meaning. There is a peace that will overtake you as you are struggling. Don’t push it away and deny yourself an opportunity to feel God’s presence. Be ready for the change of plan that God may be preparing for you.
Let’s pray. Lord, I may question why things are happening in my life the way they are, but I know you are with me. I may wish that things were different, but they will be what you want for me. Your timing is always perfect. May I surrender and trust you completely. May I set aside my desire to control and give it to you. Watch over those I love and grant your peace, comfort, and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I love that even Pharoah recognizes the presence of God in Joseph!
Exactly! And he wants that kind of leader in charge!