1 Timothy 3:1-7 – Church Leadership

Read 1 Timothy 3:1-7

For those in church leadership, this passage speaks volumes.  Not all church leaders are necessarily “elders,” but let’s not split hairs here on semantics.  Paul is setting the bar high for people with authority in the church.  These expectations are all attainable, and quite honestly, it would be good if we held our leaders to these standards.  Some churches do!

The true character of a person is reflected in all areas of their life, not just who we see in church on Sunday mornings.  Why is this important?

Consider this: we are called to a life in Christ, in other words, life with Christ in our lives. What does this look like?  We should look different, and we need to show that to the world.  Be a sermon with no words. I’ve heard it said, people may not remember what you say, but they will remember what you did.

What do you think about this list of prerequisites Paul sets out here?  What qualities would you add to it?  If you are currently in church leadership, how are you doing in terms of this list?

Let’s pray.  Lord give our church leaders courage and boldness to follow closely to you and not falter. Cleanse us of our sinful nature and help us to  be more like you in all we say and do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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