As I write this, today is Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) here in Mexico. It’s a big holiday for people throughout Mexico, no matter the town or region. The day of the dead is a Mexican celebration that honors the dead. I’ve learned this tradition is rooted from pre-Hispanic times, although today they also incorporate elements of Catholicism and even modern touches. How fitting to be talking about how Abraham wanted to honor his dear departed wife, Sarah.
Every culture has their own way of honoring the dead. It has become quite a business in the United States with funeral homes and mortuaries helping families through their time of grief at the loss of a loved one. Even here in Mexico, a funeral is quite an event the whole town can be part of with a parade on foot from the church to the cemetery. I picture similar tributes taking place in more primitive times as well. No matter the way, we honor our departed.
I was at a funeral recently and reminded how little I knew about the one who had passed away. I don’t know about you, but I need to do a better job of getting to know people so I’m not surprised to hear how awesome they were at their funeral! A missed opportunity for being in community can never be gotten back.
In today’s reading, we see Abraham doing what he can in his old age to find the perfect resting place for his wife. He wanted to honor her and prepare a place for his own family to have. What did you find most interesting about the story? Again, there must be context and culture at play here, but Abraham was offered the plot for free, yet he paid for it at the going rate.
That shows me Abraham was a proud man and didn’t like accepting handouts. Although, I didn’t understand it was meant as a “handout” per se, but more like a gift for being such a good citizen and human being. They could recognize they were in the presence of a man of God. Can people sense that about you? Is being a child of God an important part of your identity? Could you do better?
There are definitely some things that came to my mind today as I read through this reading, coupled with the time of year this passage fit into the reading schedule. Over the months I’ve been writing down my devotional reflections, I have been amazed and blessed by God’s timing. It is NEVER something I have planned or calculated, counting days and chapters and verses. I am not that organized. I am more free-flowing and love when God intervenes and makes beautiful coincidences appear to remind me who is in charge.
Take some time today to reflect on God’s goodness in your life. He has given you another day to live, to breathe, to share. Don’t waste another day. Live your life to the fullest and keep your focus on God.
Let’s pray. Lord, I don’t know why I’m so amazed by you over and over, but I am. You are master of all things, the creator of the universe and all of the intricate details that make our existence possible. Yet you love me and make things happen in my life. May we never forget those who have departed this world to spend eternity with you. They have been made whole in you, and I rejoice with them. Continue to clear my path and open the doors you want me to walk through. I want to be your obedient servant and thank you each for how you are equipping me for my life here on earth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.