Have you had times in your life when you have felt far from Jesus? Maybe you’re still searching to know him more and longing for a deeper connection. We are living in a time when there is so much evil trying to take control. It is sometimes unsafe to even proclaim the name of Jesus. It’s sad when we see how Christians seem to have to refrain from any reference to faith. Take for instance school music programs or public displays. How many times do we even see lawsuits being filed because we upset someone who was not a Christian that shared our beliefs?
We need to take the words of Scripture seriously. Today’s reading starts with these words, “So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.” There are answers, promises, and directions for life within the pages of Scripture, and we must cling to that truth as we live our lives. If we allow the temptations and ways of the world to infiltrate our beliefs and values, we will soon be selling our souls to the devil (so to speak).
We need to look for God. He is there. He will reveal himself. But, we need to be looking. Our reading today affirms this, ” God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever he chose.” I like to call them “God sightings,” when I see God at work. It used to be something for which I would encourage the children and leaders in our Children’s Ministry to be on the lookout. A sunset. A butterfly. A smile. An open parking spot close to the door when it’s pouring outside.
Giving God the glory for all the beauty that surrounds us is a way I like to stay connected. Everything was made by God and controlled by God. We just have the privilege to use it and enjoy it.
How do you respond to God’s grace in your life? Take a moment to really think about that. I think we often rush past simple questions like that. God has blessed us with so much. When we have struggles or situations that frustrate us or maybe even scare us, what is our first response? For me, it’s to pray. I need to talk to God. I need to tell him what he already knows–that I’m struggling or confused or unsure of what I should do.
God has all the answers. We don’t always ask him, do we? Or, maybe I’m the only one who tries to figure it out on my own first. What usually happens? I turn to God. Why didn’t I do that in the first place? That’s why it’s so important we listen carefully to God’s word so we don’t drift away.
Our lives are so much richer when God is the one driving the bus. Trust him to be your chauffeur.
Let’s pray. Lord, I really need you right now to reveal the answers. I know you have it all worked out, and I am trying not to get worked up as I wait for your leading. Give me peace in the storm. Help me not to be so crippled that I can’t help others. Continue to guide me and refresh me to be a better servant for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.