Mark 10:32-52 – Almost There

Read Mark 10:32-52

They were on their way to Jerusalem. They are almost there. This was what Jesus had been preparing the disciples for on two prior occasions. Jesus came to earth knowing the road to Jerusalem would be his last journey on earth. He tries again to explain what they should expect.

A good leader always prepares those following to avoid surprises. Being prepared is the boy scout motto, too. I’d much rather go into the taking of a test having studied rather than to go in blind relying on what I think I know. I remember having to take a driver’s test twice because I figured I knew what I needed to know. After all, I had been driving for many years. Those little details will get you!

We see the disciples here seem to be in denial. They don’t want to hear Jesus’ predictions of his death and suffering. Jesus again speaks of his resurrection, but by the time he says anything about that, the disciples have stopped listening. Even if they were paying attention, they were confused and never quite understood the message. You have to admit it all seems a little hard to fathom bearing in mind how popular Jesus has been. How and why would that all change?

What did you think when James and John asked Jesus the favor? A little self-serving perhaps? It set up a great teachable moment about leadership and accomplishment. It is wisdom like this that has helped my husband and I in our business. We don’t want to flaunt this or that for purposes of recognition, but rather want to serve our team and our prospects. Recognitions will come, but that is not our driving force. We are called to be servants and to put others before ourselves.

Our final story in today’s reading is about a blind man being healed. This will be the last healing in the gospel of Mark. It is a transition story and one we can learn from. Bartimaeus had faith and was persistent. His plea to Jesus was heard and answered. He was asking the right thing. Just moments before Jesus’ followers James and John had asked for something, too. But their answer was different. It wasn’t the right thing to ask.

When we ask God for help, are we asking the right thing? Will God be anxious to answer us because of our faith and because our request aligns with his will? Think about your conversations with God lately. What have you been asking for? How have you been asking? Why are you asking for that?

Let’s pray. Lord, you are genius in how you put all of creation into place. Jesus’ time on earth was also calculated down to the last detail. There are so many teachable moments from your word, I thank you for revealing yourself to me. Forgive me when I ask for things out of selfish ambition and desire. You have such a better plan for me. help me to ask only for your will to be done. May I accept what that is and be certain that I am walking in your will for me. Don’t let the voices of the world penetrate my head and heart and cause me to stumble. I thank you for your presence in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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