Mark 10:13-31 – How Rich Are You?

Read Mark 10:13-31

Today’s reading would fit nicely with a passage we had not too long ago about children. Jesus truly valued children and we often see him pictured with children. It is important that we keep our expectation and reliance on God (as a child to his/her parents) and devotion to Jesus clear, like a child. In Jesus’ words, I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”  

The scene then changes, and Jesus encounters a man, a rich man. From all appearances, this man is devoted to Jesus. He has been a good man, following all of the commandments since he was young. But what happens when Jesus tells him what he hasn’t yet done? Jesus tells him to sell all that he has, give the money to the poor, and come follow him. The man went away sad.

It’s hard to let go of things, isn’t it? Have you ever had to downsize? If you’re a pack rat like me, it can be hard to part with things that we hold dear. But they are just things. I’m preaching to myself here probably more than anybody. When we prepared to leave the U.S. to move abroad in retirement, we parted with many things. We each had our struggles, and to see our life’s possessions being sold for pennies on the dollar of what we had paid was hard. We didn’t give our money to the poor, but we donated many carloads to those less fortunate. Those transactions were actually easier for me because I felt like I was passing on a piece of me to help another.

Jesus is getting to our hearts here. He goes on to tell us how hard it is to get into  the kingdom of heaven. Harder for the rich, why? Is it because they are focusing so much on what they have and accumulating more? Is it because their hearts are not open and accepting of Jesus and his love?

Throughout the moving process, there were times that I wished we could just walk away from it all, get in the car, and move to Mexico with just the clothes on our backs (and our four dogs of course). I often thought of this very Bible story, and at times I was ready to be faithful and respond as Jesus had requested. Then my selfishness set in again and I clung to things. Things.

While it is not practical for every follower of Jesus today to go, sell, give, come, follow, we can clear away the rubbish and keep our hearts open. We can simplify our lives to a place where we have more time for Jesus. We have that control. To say we don’t is a cop-out. We all have the same number of hours in a day, and how we elect to spend them is entirely up to us.

Perhaps we need to stop and re-evaluate. What are we spending the majority of our time doing? Is God getting only our left overs? Are your signs on the spending eternity with God?

Let’s pray. Father God, I thank you for the desire you have placed in my heart to please you. I struggle sometimes with relationships and situations and ask for your hand to bring peace and reconciliation. Help me to part with those things that are not helping me be closer to you. Grant me wisdom to make good decisions. Reflect your love through me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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