Read 2 Chronicles 15:1-19
This reading begins with Asa’s victorious return from battle. However, I just wonder how “victorious” he really felt when he remembered it was relatives who fell at the hand of his troops. Yet, it was God who helped defend Asa and the Israelites living in the southern kingdom.
The first message from God he received from Azariah who had had a visit from the “Spirit of God.” The LORD’s message confirmed what Asa was to do. Asa would be a strong leader charged with keeping his people true to the LORD. Asa knew that the only way that was going to happen was to remove the reminders and distractions of the false gods that were apparently still in existence.
The greatest victory for Asa would be to not be tempted by power and fame himself so he could faithfully lead his people in the path of the LORD. As believers, we share in the “real victory,” the victory of Christ!
We know our own salvation does not depend on what we do. We can’t “earn” our way into heaven. However, when the desire burns inside us to please the LORD and do his will, we can’t help but want to give back and do. God’s promise to Asa and the people for “right living” was this. “But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded.”
Remaining faithful in the face of temptations and distractions of the world will require exactly that. We need to stay strong and be courageous. What does that look like? The situation may be different for each of us, but we faithfully cling tightly to our belief in Christ. Being “unpopular” may be our new reality. Jesus ruffled feathers, too, we’re in good company.
Was Asa successful in remaining faithful? The Chronicler says so at least. “Although the pagan shrines were not removed from Israel, Asa’s heart remained completely faithful throughout his life.” There’s a bit of a cliffhanger here at the end of our reading. Asa has had mostly a peaceful, God-fearing reign, until his 35th year as king. Our next reading should be action packed!
For today, we have to sit with the faithfulness of Asa and his people. Relish the community both with fellow Israelites and with God. The people were following the law and worshipping in ways pleasing to God. The sacrificial offerings were made, and the level of respect was high. How is your community? Are you surrounded by other believers who encourage you to keep you strong? Beyond your community of believers, how is your relationship with God. Do you want to dig deeper?

Let’s pray. LORD, you are worthy of being praised. The almighty, ruler of all. I do love to please you and feel so horrible when I fall short over and over. Thank you for loving me. I want to know you more. I want my heart to beat with yours. Use me to shepherd your flock and strengthen my community with your love and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.