Many New Testament books are written by the apostle Paul. There was another influential apostle spreading the Gospel at the same time, one who had walked alongside Jesus during his ministry. Peter was a friend to Jesus with first-hand experience of the person Jesus. His writings help us have a better understanding of our faith.
We have been called to speak to fellow believers to encourage, just as Peter did back in his day. 1 Peter is written to God’s chosen people who are living as foreigners in the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. I like to think it’s written for us, too.
Let’s unpack what we see here. First, the Spirit chose you and made you holy. To be holy is to be set apart by God for his purposes in the world. It wasn’t your choice or anything you did. What we CAN decide is how we live in response. Do we seek God’s plan and purpose for our lives?
From this passage, it seems when we are given holiness our only rational response is to obey. We should be asking God what his purpose is for us. When we obey we are cleansed and made new. I don’t know about you, but I like what I hear. I carry a lot of junk around inside me. I’m ready to lessen my load. What a good incentive it is to know when we obey and follow we are cleansed and set free.
I want to know more about this life. There is so much truth packed into God’s word, why don’t I take more time to dig in? This book of Peter’s will be full of gems to help set us free. As Peter prays for his audience, I pray for you. “May God give you more and more grace and peace.”
Let’s pray. Holy Father thank you for your love and care for me. Forgive me when I rush around and neglect my relationship with you. It is when I obey you that I am cleansed and set free. I am longing for some refreshment today. What is the message for my world that I can share? Give me the words you want for me. I am listening. In Jesus’ name. Amen.