Our minds are beautiful creations. I love how our innermost thoughts are ours alone. There are all sorts of medical devices that can tell me about my bodily functions like blood pressure, temperature, weight, and many more internal measurements that are pretty mind-boggling how far science has come. But nobody can tell me “what” I’m thinking.
Like us, God has hidden thoughts, and our text reveals he even has a “secret plan.” This just adds to the “mystery.” One of my favorite verses speaks of this plan. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” I don’t know about you, but I love knowing that God has an agenda for my life. And that plan is better than I could ever imagine!
Why has it taken me so long to finally grasp that reality? I read recently that God even pictures us in our “best version.” He doesn’t necessarily see us wallowing in our messy lives. God sees us as the exquisite masterpiece he created. Paul told the Ephesians (in a different letter), “we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
So, what is this secret plan? I would love to know, wouldn’t you? We get a few clues in today’s reading of how this all works. God has “revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.” We just need to figure out how to tap into his Spirit.
The good news about the mystery of God is that we have been given access to God’s spirit. We are never alone to fend for ourselves in this life. There have been plenty of times in my life when I have felt alone and even a bit lost. Looking back, I see that the Spirit was guiding me, I just didn’t recognize it. The Spirit’s wisdom was influencing my thoughts and desires.
Now as I am more mature in my faith (and I still feel like I have a LONG way to go), I consciously make an effort to be still and listen for the Spirit of all truth. I feel compassion for people who are still trying to figure this all out. They think all this Jesus stuff is not for them. Paul’s words make sense then, “for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.” That’s what’s wrong with so many people! They don’t have the Spirit working inside them to reveal God’s intentions.
So, it’s up to us to live our lives in such a way that we are always listening for the Spirit’s wisdom. We want to be a good example for those “non-spiritual” people we encounter so that they can see a difference in us. Sadly, they are walking around with a big “God-sized hole” inside. We know how they can fill this, and it isn’t with a bunch of stuff.
Think of all the people who don’t know Jesus! We know that when we spend time with Jesus and God’s word, we are fulfilled in ways that are hard to describe. We also experience a burning hunger to spend more and more time, knowing the reward is peace and joy in our hearts. I wouldn’t want to give that up for anything.
Who do you know that could use the “mind of Christ”? Pray for them to experience the mystery of God.

Let’s pray …
Father God, thank you for revealing yourself to me and helping me to understand your word. I pray for those who have not yet experienced the mystery of God. Show me how you can use me to help them find their way back to you. Open my own eyes to see you more clearly. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.