What is happening here? I feel like I jumped into the second season of a show and I have no idea what all the references mean. Let’s not let ourselves get stuck on that. When we remember that this is a letter from Paul to his friends in Corinth that he has had an ongoing relationship with, there are bound to be situations we are just not privy to. It doesn’t matter. We can glean a lot from what is unsaid as well.
We can gather there was a person in their midst wreaking havoc and causing all sorts of problems. Paul had counseled them previously on how to handle his, and it appears they listened. When we are being tossed around by someone who is harming us or influencing us in a negative way, we need to rid ourselves of that temptation to sin lest we fall into the hands of the evil one, too. But what is Paul saying to do now? Forgive.
Continue reading “2 Corinthians 2:1-17 – Forgiveness Doesn’t Mean We Forget”