Welcome to my REFLECTIONS blog

I’m so glad you stopped by.  I hope you find thminibluecross_blankdarkese reflections helpful in your quiet time with God.  I would welcome your comments and insights so we can have conversation about how God’s Word is speaking to each of us.

A couple years ago when working with a wellness coach, she asked me what areas of my life I needed help with.  We work on my eating habits, as it was clear to me I was not eating enough fruits and vegetables.  My spiritual life was even more pathetic, and my coach asked me what I could do to improve that.  The answer that came to me was to read through the book of Psalms and journal my thoughts and reflections.  I began this on a sporadic basis at first, but then it began to take shape in my life, and I began to do the same with other books of the Bible.  Now I am feeling like God wants me to share this with you.  So, get ready, find a comfortable place, and enjoy!  Let God speak to you today!


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