Matthew 26:57-68 – On Trial

Read Matthew 26:57-68

I don’t know about you, but when I think of being arrested (and thankfully I have never been), I think of being thrown into a stinky jail cell with a filthy toilet and a torn up mattress for a bed. However, Jesus’ experience is not like what you see on TV at all. He was taken to the high priest, Caiaphas. After all, it wasn’t the authorities who wanted him dead, it was the religious leaders who feared his power.

So, Jesus’ arrest and arraignment would be handled by religious leaders. It’s really quite laughable when you apply the scenario to what we know of the legal system today (at least in the U.S. –it’s what I’m familiar with after having been a paralegal for 30+ years). Yet, God’s plan is playing out beautifully.

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Matthew 26:47-56 – The Kiss

Read Matthew 26:47-56

It’s dark. You can probably hear the crickets chirping. It’s peaceful, yet Jesus has just been ripped apart inside as he prepares for what is to come. There are lights in the distance. They are getting closer. You can hear the crunching of the ground under the feet of a mob. It’s a crowd intent on one thing. Jesus’ arrest.

God has used Judas to bring us to this moment. Judas has done a despicable thing. He is the traitor who has given up the Son of God for just 30 lousy pieces of silver. Yet, as he arrives with this throng of people, including religious leaders, Roman soldiers and onlookers (you know, the gawkers), he approaches Jesus, as a friend, with a kiss.

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Matthew 26:36-46 – Jesus Prays

Read Matthew 26:36-46

Have you ever fallen asleep while praying? I know I’m not the only one because the disciples did it in today’s reading. I have every good intention of praying through the praises, concerns, joys, requests, and pleas for forgiveness. I’m sure the disciples did, too.

Jesus told the disciples, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” They just didn’t understand. It’s hard to put ourselves in their shoes, much less understand the distress that had overtaken Jesus. What we do see is that Jesus’ response to his anguish was to pray. We can probably think of a time when we were faced with doing something we dreaded. Like in speech class, getting up in front of the class knowing your knees were going to knock and that words would be stumbled over. But Jesus’ dread was so much more than this. So much more.

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Matthew 26:31-35 – I’ll Never Desert You

Read Matthew 26:31-35

Prophecy from Zechariah is about to be fulfilled. The Shepherd, Jesus, is about to watch his sheep, the disciples, scatter. In fear for their lives, they will desert their friend. Do you think the disciples were starting to figure out something big was about to happen? I don’t think I would have been able to comprehend the magnitude of the events that are about to unfold.

I love Peter’s response. He was always outspoken and bold. “Even if everyone else deserts you, I will never desert you.” Little did he know. He had good intentions. Even when Jesus tried to reason with him, Peter refused to listen and believe that he could ever leave Jesus’ side. He was ready to die with Jesus.

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Matthew 26:14-30 – The Final Meal

Read Matthew 26:14-30

Today’s reading opens with Judas’ surprising visit to the high priests. How do you picture Judas? Has he always been a bit of an outcast among the disciples? Does he have a sinister look about him? Has he ever really accepted any of Jesus’ teachings? Is he a devout follower merely being used by God to orchestrate the beautiful plan? Is he greedy? Is his need for money greater than his loyalty to a friend? Do we have a little of Judas in us?

We are able to witness Jesus’ final meal with his friends, including Judas. Jesus is fully aware of what has happened and what is to come. What must Jesus be feeling? Has he lost his appetite? Imagine the men all seated around the table celebrating the Passover feast. It has happened before. But tonight is special. They are sitting with their very own Passover Lamb on the eve of his slaughter.

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