Deuteronomy 21:10-14 – Even the Captive Woman

Read Deuteronomy 21:10-14

This is one of those passages where I know that God is in the details, too. There are plenty of examples in the Bible where we see generalized promises and provisions meant to encompass many people. Here, today, it is one particular woman. The captive woman.

We have recently read about how whole towns would be wiped out, people killed, including women and children. Those passages are troubling. Here, however, is an example of when there is victory, yet the people are taken as slaves or captives. Just in case there might be a very beautiful woman amidst those captives, God offers a protection for even her.

Men will be men, attracted to beauty. God knew the lustful desires that would be part of a man’s DNA. When testosterone was especially flowing after combat and victory, there may be even less control of those desires than normal. That’s why I think this passage is as much of a protection for the woman than anyone else.

I, for one, can’t imagine what it would be like to have my head shaved. We had a recent family discussion about head shapes and the attractiveness of our son’s “scalp.” Some people, men in particular, can really pull of the “bald” look. I’m not sure I could do it. I’d be afraid my scalp would be lumpy or misshapen. Hair can hide many imperfections.

Certainly, if the captive woman had a bald head, it would be clear whether her beauty was the only motivating factor in the man’s desire for her. That was a brilliant way to not only rid her of her past, but to test the devotion of the man who now wanted her for his own.

We also see God’s compassion to her as he allows the woman to mourn the loss of her family for a month. Can you imagine being pulled away from your family, after already having undergone the trauma of warfare with your enemies? When the month had passed, the marriage would take place. “But if you marry her and she does not please you, you must let her go free.”  Again, we see protection for the woman. She would no longer be captive to a life she didn’t choose if the man was in some way displeased.

I just found it interesting. My takeaway is that God thinks of everything and looks out for everyone. Even the captive woman. Even you. Even me. How do you respond to that? Take some time today to wrestle with this text and what it may be saying to you.

Let’s pray… Lord, thank you for remembering me and loving me. With all the people who are following you, your power and wisdom never ceases to amaze me. You are mindful of me and my actions just like this captive woman. You care for m and want the best for me. You know when I have veered off the path you designed for me. Forgive me when I do that. Help me to get back on track. Give me the assurance when I do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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