Genesis 21:22-34 – Don’t Keep it In

Read Genesis 21:22-34

Have you ever held a grudge against someone? Maybe something they have done has bothered you, but you’ve kept it to yourself? Today’s story involves a situation like that for Abraham. When the truth finally comes out,  there is a lot of compromising going on. Gifts of animals are exchanged to make the agreement official.

What would it look like if you approached the person you are “at odds” with? Would you bring a covered dish or a pie to help smooth over the dispute? Would you make an offering of any kind? It’s possible. Sometimes we need a thoughtful gesture to break the ice to open up an uncomfortable conversation.

Certainly, if I’m handed a big piece of chocolate cake before someone tells me they are upset I parked on their side of the street, for instance, I’d be much more inclined to run across the street and move my car. It’s human nature. Here in Mexico and other countries in the world, the use of bribes can often help you get what you want. I don’t have any firsthand experience with that myself but I know it is fairly common.

The important thing is to not let bad feelings fester inside. That is not healthy. If they involve another person, it’s probable the other person doesn’t even know they are causing you strife. What holds us back? Why is it easier to just stuff our problems and frustrations inside?

Confrontation. We don’t like it. Unless we’re a Type A defense lawyer who loves to win, confronting another human being is not comfortable. We like the status quo. Most people are not fueled for a fight and often fear even a heated conversation. (Or is that just me?)

When it comes down to it,  we prefer peace. If that means we have to put up with something that’s less than desirable, we often do. I’m guilty, I know that. Is there a solution? Prayer. Ask God to help you figure out a solution. It may involve a chocolate cake, or it may involve an honest heart to heart conversation.

We are called to love one another. So, if you are in need of confrontation to settle a dispute or let your feelings be known, do so in love.

Let’s pray. Father, I thank you for the great example you have given in working through a difficult situation with gifts. When I’m faced with some sort of dispute, I pray you’ll give me the right solution. Help me to always approach opposition with grace. Fill me anew today with your great mercy and give me insights into the needs of others and how I can be your ambassador of peace and love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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