Genesis 18:16-33 – What About This?

Read Genesis 18:16-33

The three men from yesterday’s reading are just finishing up with the delicious meal Abraham had prepared for them. Today we see that one of them is God. The other two are off to Sodom. God remains with Abraham to share with him the reason for the visit to Sodom. The sinfulness is out of control. Abraham jumps to the conclusion that God is going to destroy the city, although the words are not there.

Abraham steps out boldly and questions God. Not only does he ask a question, but he also offers his own commentary or judgmental statement, “Surely you wouldn’t do that! ” I can’t imagine talking to God like that face to face. That’s a bold faith. What this does show us is we don’t need to be afraid to tell God what we think. God will do what God is going to do, yet we can share our heart, too.  

God expects us to wrestle with him in prayer. He longs for a good conversation with us. I just wish that when I ask God for something that he would respond as he did with Abraham. Quickly.

I do need to remember to look at answered prayer from God’s perspective. He knows what’s best even when the answer differs from what I was expecting or wanting. The “no” or “not now” answers are just that – God’s answer to prayer. We need to accept them.

When we pray, it’s good to know we can get real and personal with God. It’s how we should communicate. God wants to know us and our innermost thoughts. I don’t know anyone who has had a personal visit from God himself and shared a  meal. But we do talk to God through prayer. When we watch how he responds, it gives us a glimpse into the mind of God.

God sees things on a totally different level than we do. He’s able to go much deeper, without end you might say. Our minds are small and often closed. It’s only when we truly open our hearts and our minds to accept the word of God, the love of God, and the communion with God that our lives can begin to take on the shape we were intended to have. There are still so many people who haven’t realized this. We need to be connected to our creator. The Savior of the world has bridged the gap of sin that separates us so we can come before God.

Can you remember a time when you wrestled with God, telling him how he should answer your prayer? If you’re like me, there is probably more than one occasion. That’s a slippery slope when we start to want to play God. I’ve learned how to be more transparent by calling out what I want but then always closing it up with, “but most of all I want your will to be done.”

Reflect on your prayer life. Do you keep a prayer journal? Do you have a way of tracking your prayer requests and the answers received? That can be a very good practice. It does take some getting used to. Maybe you want to try that for 30 days?

Let’s pray. Lord, I come to you today a bit amused at Abraham’s forwardness with you. I’m sure it’s not much different from how I have come before you in the past. I always have a solution, don’t I? Lord, I want your will to be done in my life. Smooth out my rough edges and help me to shine brighter for you. There is so much life to be lived. I want to do it pleasing you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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