Acts 8:9-25 – Simon Says

Read Acts 8:9-25

Do you remember the game Simon Says? It often turned silly, but it was good practice for our listening skills when you think of it. How often do we just take off in our own direction without listening first? We hear today of a man named Simon who people had been listening to. He was a sorcerer. Because of is magic, people had been seeing him as “the Great One – the Power of God.” We know better, this power is not from God.

Thankfully, Philip was now in their midst talking about the “real” God, the only God, and they believed his message. Simon had opened their ears to listen, and now Philip was able to fill their ears with truth and baptize them. Even Simon himself was baptized. But there was something missing. Soon, Peter and John, the reinforcements, arrived. The new believers received the Holy Spirit with a  touch of their hands. Their blessing was now complete. There were now Spirit-filled believers in Samaria! The Christian movement was spreading!

However, Simon’s heart was greedy and not right with God. Despite his belief and acceptance of the Good News, he was still focused on himself and his own gain, not on God and God’s will. I suppose we can all see a little of Simon in ourselves if we are totally honest. It’s hard to stay strong in the Lord when we live in an evil world. We can fool ourselves, but God sees our heart.

Peter was blunt with Simon and cursed him. That may have been harsh, but it sent Simon into a tailspin of wanting to avoid ruin. Nobody wants to fail, nobody wants to die without hope. Peter didn’t begin to try to appease him. Again, we look to the heart and how we are connected to our Savior. What are your motivations in life?

Simon wanted God’s power for selfish gain. I highly doubt the Holy Spirit was going to reward him with that mindset. The Holy’s Spirit’s gifts and power are meant to further the kingdom and bring honor to God alone. If our motives are not in line with God’s will, we can be sure his provisions will not necessarily fulfill our self-seeking desires.

What are your dreams for the future? How do you want to be used by God? Ask him for the power to make that happen.

Let’s pray. Father God you have given me your power through the Holy Spirit. May I not attempt to misuse it for my own selfish gain. I want to see you lifted high, exalted above all things. Your creation is so beautiful, I can see your hand prints everywhere. I want to soar free like the birds of the air. Take away the burdens of my heart. Cleanse me and make me new. Give me your wisdom as I walk in your world today. May your will be done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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